Sunflower Standing Out - Phone Wallpaper


I LOVE this picture of a sunflower growing above all the other flowers! Literally, every other sunflower stood at the same height, except for this one. I really admire when someone or something dares to do their own thing and stand out among the crowd of others. It’s so easy to get into routines in your life and I’m here to say that I 100% believe that you have it within you to do something great! It may be a small great or a big great, but whatever your “great” is, I hope you have the courage to stand out from the crowd and chase after it.

I hope you love this picture and that it inspires you stand out from the crowd and do something you’ve always dreamed of!

Your download will be a High-Resolution (1880 × 3840) picture with no date or time stamp on it… just the picture!

Thank you for your support of my art.

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