Joshua Tree at Night - Phone Wallpaper


I spent all day looking for the perfect Joshua Tree, that was in the right position so that the milky way would appear behind it later that night! I went back to this tree around 2am, with no moon to light my way and coyotes howling in the distance. I made sure the milky way was positioned well, set up my tripod and started taking pictures. Now, to get the tree lit well and balanced with the milky way, I used a dim flashlight. I covered the flash light with my hand, to only let the light hit the tree and a little else as possible. What you see here is the end result of that cold night in Joshua Tree!

I hope you love seeing this Joshua Tree phone wallpaper on your phone every day!

Your download will be a High-Resolution (1880 × 3840) picture with no date or time stamp on it… just the picture!

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