Grand Teton at Sunset - Phone Wallpaper


Back when we were Airstreaming across the United States, we made a stop just outside of Grand Teton National Park. Out of all the campsites, we’ve been to, this was one of the best! I’m not kidding when I say this is probably the easiest landscape picture I have ever taken. I woke up early in our Airstream, looked out the window and saw that the sunrise was gorgeous! I grabbed my camera, walked outside, took 3 pictures and went back into to drink my coffee.

Sometimes you have to wait hours, days or even weeks for a beautiful moment to appear and sometimes they show up right in front of you and you just have to click the button. Unfortunately, there’s a huge tree in the way of this shot now, which seems to happen a lot in Grand Teton National Park.

We had to drive months across the country, experiencing all kinds of things that full time travelers experience, in order to get to this one spot where God decided to give me a day off and show that He is in control. All I had to do was be present and aware.

I hope you enjoy this picture on your phone.

Your download will be a High-Resolution (1880 × 3840) picture with no date or time stamp on it… just the picture!

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