Emerald Bay Lake Tahoe - Phone wallpaper


The first time you see Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe, it’s easy to get excited about the amazing picture that’s in front of you…. until you realize, every one else in the world has taken the same shot! Realizing this, I went out early the next morning and found myself all alone with nothing but this beautiful sunrise in front of me. I’ve never seen so much color on a lake at sunrise before! With a large gradient filter and a high F-stop (technical language), I was able to capture the sun peaking over the edge of the horizon spreading rays of light to color in the scene.

This is another personal favorite that I keep on my phone, because the time hides behind the horizon and it just looks so cool!

Your download will be a High-Resolution (1880 × 3840) picture with no date or time stamp on it… just the picture!

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