Dead Lakes Wewahitchka Florida - Phone Wallpaper


I got up early in the morning to see the Dead Lakes in Wewahitchka Florida by boat and to this day, it’s one of the best photo excursions I have ever been on in my life! I was fortunate that there were no other boats out and the faint fog provided an artist like canvas to this photographer that had no idea what he was getting into! This was the only picture suitable for a phone wallpaper, but this is nothing. Looking at each set of cypress trees reminding me of a Rorschach test, where you describe your perceptions of inkblots on a piece of paper.

If you love pictures that delight your imagination and spark your creativeness, then this might be the phone wallpaper you’ve been looking for.

Your download will be a High-Resolution (1880 × 3840) picture with no date or time stamp on it… just the picture!

Thank you for your support of my art.

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