Courthouse Mountain in Ridgway CO - Phone Wallpaper


This may look familiar if you love old John Wayne movies! This is the famous spot where he falls off of his horse and shoots the bad guys. It’s also a very well photographed spot throughout the summer and fall, but you don’t see many pictures of it in the winter. That’s because it takes a lot to get up to it in the winter time! I travelled to it by cross country skiing and I have never been happier to see a site in all my life. I had to take this picture without a tripod, because the snow was at least 3 feet deep! I can’t imagine John Wayne ever coming out here on a horse, but I’ve seen crazier things in life.

If you love John Wayne and want to enjoy this view from the comforts of your home, instead of traveling miles in the snow to see it, then this is the perfect phone wallpaper for you!

Your download will be a High-Resolution (1880 × 3840) picture with no date or time stamp on it… just the picture!

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