Black Canyon National Park at Sunset - Phone Wallpaper


The Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park is not only a mouth full to say, but it is one of the least visited Nationals Parks in all of the United States. To be honest, I passed right by it the first time I had a chance to visit, but oh what a gem it is! Steeper than the Grand Canyon and more narrow, the Burj Khalifa can fit inside of it! I visit it quite often now and every once in a while, it takes on a whole new life of it’s own, when it’s overcast and the sun shines under the clouds. They call it the Black Canyon, because in the middle of the day, the steeps sides of the canyon cast a huge shadow on the bottom when it’s sunny outside.

If you love canyons and have already seen the Grand Canyon, I highly recommend you visit this beautiful national park that sits outside of Montrose Colorado! In the mean time, I hope it inspires you every day on your phone!

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