Joe Hendricks Photography

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7 tips for taking creative engagement pictures

    1.  Don’t plan anything!

This may take a little getting use to for some of you, but for you creative photographers out there, stop planning every aspect of your shoot! During an engagement session, so much spontaneity happens! The weather may change, the couple may not be into your ideas, an event is going on that you didn’t plan for. So many things happen to change your shoot, so stop planning them. When you get out there, look around and feel out the place, subject, and the sun and go for a cool shot!

I was on top of the wall, when I told my couple to walk to the end of it. I went down the stairs and looked up to see this shot! It was random and ended up being awesome!


      2.  Have an open mind!

Every location has something cool to shoot, even the back alley behind a house. All you have to do is think of your lenses as blinders, like the kind race horses wear. Crop out all the trash and nasty looking distractions with your lens! You will be amazed at how beautiful things can look when you have blinders on. 

This is the wood they burn at Jack Daniels. It's not a pretty place, but in the middle of the piles of wood, it's magic!


    3.  Know your camera inside and out!

Get a bottle of wine or a couple beers and start reading that camera manual! Your camera can do some pretty amazing things!! That is all.


    4.  Talk with them!

Do #3 first and it will be easier to have a great conversation with your couple. Not only will you get to learn more about them, but knowing more about their personality will make it easier to tell them how to pose. Sometimes, the creative juices are flowing so fast that you may fumble your words a bit, but don’t worry, showing them a cool shot makes up for everything!

Most of the time, I'm trying to get my couples to laugh and smile. 


    5.  Always have your camera ready!

Great shots come upon you instantly! If you're not ready to go, you will miss it. I'm a huge fan of shooting aperture priority (Nikon), because sometimes if you think at all, you'll miss a shot. At least with setting like aperture priority you stand a chance of getting a decent exposure at a moments notice. 

A fun moment, where she walked up behind him.


    6.  Try 2 new things at every shoot!

 I always tell photographers to try two new things at every single shoot! You have PLENTY of time to try something new. Get your required shots that are expected of you and then go out on a limb and experiment. If it doesn't work out, oh well... at least you tried. Photography is fun and you can grow so fast if you want to.

Sometimes a simple puddle is enough to make a cool shot!


     7. Look at other Photographers work!

Yeah, I said it! I hear too many photographers saying they don’t look at anyone else’s work. First, they’re full of it... Second, you get better, faster, by comparing yourself to the best photographers in the world! It’s hard to grow if you don’t know what’s possible and you will never know what possible unless you look at other photographers work! Don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself to the photographers in your own city and price range... you can be a lot better then that ;)